Scribblings from a smallholding in Herefordshire. Writing about gardens, magic, homes, UK travel and many mysterious, over-looked and curious things.

Next books, coming soon...
Simple things to do with the plants around you
The first three books in this exciting new series – Nettle, Dandelion, Clover – will be published on 18 March (Verbena). Each is a pocket-sized beginner’s guide to foraging, with everything you need to know about each plant. Contents include folklore, how to harvest, health benefits, and loads of recipes and easy makes to make the most of often over-looked but fascinating and useful wild plants.

Following a career as a magazine editor, I now live in the depths of rural Herefordshire where I write books, magazine features about homes, gardens and UK travel, and do a lot of gardening, animal husbandry and orchard maintenance. The move to Herefordshire has also awakened my interest in the mythic landscape, earth energies, folklore and traditional customs, which increasingly inform my writing.