About me

After years in London editing* consumer magazines, I decamped to the country to write books, manage a smallholding and create a magical garden. That’s going pretty well, although keeping sheep has proved trickier than I’d imagined. Chickens are easier. Anyway, I have kept to my intention and written a few books since I got here. 

The most recent two were published in 2023. They are Your Magical Garden: harness the power of the elements to crate an enchanted outdoor space (CICO), which details the creation of my garden in Herefordshire,  and The Magic of Seeds, the nature lover’s guide to growing flowers and herbs from seed (David & Charles) which has also been published as a pack of beautiful inspiration cards.

Other titles include Simple Pleasures: little things that make life worth living’, which I wrote for the National Trust, and 50 Things to do in the Urban Wild (Pavilion). 

‘The Witch’s Year Book: a year of spells, stones and rituals for a year of modern magic’ has proved to be a very popular title and also comes as a deck of cards and a bookazine. ‘Sacred Places: where to find wonder in the World’, is a trip around the globe visiting magical and atmospheric places.

Details of these and others, including Beyond the Footpath: mindful walking for modern pilgrims‘ (Piatkus), are on my Amazon author page or on the Books tab of this website.

Next up is The Witch’s Shadow Work Oracle Deck, 40 cards with an accompanying booklet packed with myths, magic and legends to help you explore your shadow self. Illustrated by the supremely talented Tijana Lukovic. This will be published in June 2025.

There will be a flurry of titles to accompany it in 2025, including The Water Remedy (a rumination/travel guide to the wonders, folklore and properties of water) and three little foraging books.

Alongside book writing, I contribute to various publications, writing about UK travel, wellbeing, homes, and gardens.

I am represented by Jane Graham Maw  (jane@grahammawchristie.com) of literary agents Graham Maw Christie

Contact me on claregogerty@gmail.com.

* These include Coast, which won several awards under my editorship, the National Trust Magazine, and Grand Designs Magazine. I was also deputy editor of The Sunday Times homes title insideout, homes and gardens editor of The Simple Things, and chief sub-editor on Tatler, Esquire and InStyle magazines.

Portrait by Damian Evans @damianevansphoto

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